Sunday, January 10, 2016


This blog has been made for schools' senior research project. Being a senior at my school allows you to join an internship and focus on a certain problem or idea that interests you. I choose researching a way to fix one of my schools' most notorious problems: it's security system IBOSS blocking unblocked sites. This research is to fix the problem with some students are having with the IBOSS system. The problem being that some students can not connect to certain sites like YouTube that are not blocked by the IBOSS system, but are getting the standard IBOSS blocked the site error. This problem is only occurring on the public VLAN that students are allowed to connect to with their own personal devices. This VLAN has been set to only allow two hundred and fifty students to connect to it at a time thus allowing faster speed for web surfing. This VLAN is the most regulated as it is the one students can use without teachers watching what they are doing. This problem is hindering the learning of some students who use YouTube as a secondary learning source and as a source for learning more in depth knowledge about subjects they talked about in class. This blog will focus on how I will be taking groups of students who have the problem and focus on what programs they have installed that could being causing interference with streaming from YouTube. By having a group of ten students that have computers that have YouTube working and ten students that do not I can narrow the problem to a specific program and hopefully come up with solution that does not involve uninstalling the program. I hope to finish this project by April 20th as I will be presenting my findings on May 7th to my fellow seniors and school faculty. In this presentation I will be using the data I collected to hopefully provide a list of programs that purpose a potential problem to the IBOSS security program and a solution on how to deal with most of these programs that does not involve uninstalling them. 


  1. Hi Nick! I think your senior research project is really interesting because I think any BASIS student can relate to this issue. I'm excited for your final outcome and how you can help solve this problem and also improve the learning environment for everyone.

  2. Hey Nick! I am very excited to follow along with your blog! I think this is a very fascinating topic as I have had personal experience with this issue.

  3. Hi, Nick! I think it's safe to say we've all had trouble with IBOSS in recent years, therefore making your project very responsive among our graduating class. Keep us posted on how future students can avoid the same problems we had with IBOSS!

  4. Based on the comments from your peers, it sounds like your project hits close to home for BASIS Scottsdale students. I look forward to following your project!

  5. Hi Nick, sounds like you will have to be a real detective to figure this one out. How will you record the data you gather from your experiments?

    1. I'm going to have a list of each persons installed programs that did not come with the computers originally nd then use those to lists to find common programs they all have.

  6. Nick, the prose of your description is done well. Sounds very professional and good understanding of the process you are moving forward with. Keep up the good work.
